Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Recognizing first edition of 11/22/63 by Stephen King

      Hello!  In this tutorial I will show you how to determine a first edition/first print of 11/22/63 by Stephen King.  This book was published on November 8th, 2011.
The front of the dust jacket on the book should be a newspaper clipping with a bit of red at the top that acts as a background for the title 11/22/63 and the author, Stephen King.  Below the name of the novel you should see the phrase "A novel"  The clipping portion of the jacket should have a gritty texture and the main title should read JFK SLAIN IN DALLAS, LBJ TAKES OATH.  There should be a color photo of J.F.K right before he got shot.  The spine of the jacket should say the author again, then the publishers name (Scribner) and their logo, then the title of the book.  It should be on a grayish background.  The back of the jacket should have another clipping that reads JFK ESCAPES ASSASSINATION, FIRST LADY ALSO OK.  Below this is a black and white photo on J.F.K and his wife.  The ISBN around the barcode should be 978-1-4526-2728-2.  The cover price should be $35.00 U.S/$39.99 Can.  That other code to the right of the barcode should be 53500.  I will explain what this is in another video.  The inner front flap should have the cover price again, a few thoughts about the book, and a blurb.  The back flap should have a few reviewers' quotes, the author's photo and copyright info concerning the dust jacket.  The author's photographer should be Shane Leonard.  The Jacket Design should be by Rex Bonomelli.  The photographers should be Bettman/Corbis and Neal Lankster/Alamy.  Then it should say printed in the U.S.A by Simon & Schuster.   
      The boards of the book should be bright red and it is quarter bound in black cloth.  The top and bottom threads are yellow.  There are no engravings on the boards.  On the spine you should see in gold lettering Stephen King, 11/22/63, the publisher and their logo.  The paste downs for the front and back are white as well as the front and back inserts.  You should see a page just with Scribner's logo, then the title page.  On the copyright page you should see the following info:
"A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020"
"Copyright © 2011 by Stephen King"
"First Scrinber hardcover edition November 2011"
"Manufactured in the United States of America"
"1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2"  (If this number is off but all other info matches what I told you, then you a first edition but not first print.)
"ISBN 978-1-4516-2728-2"
     Then on the dedication page you should see "For Zelda 'Hey, honey, welcome to the party.'"
Do note that there is a table of contents in this book unlike most of his other novels.  There is also a photograph of JFK after the table of contents.  The last page number listed should be 849. 
If you have any question or comments E-Mail me at
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Jake E. Stief

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