Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Starting The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

Hi hi hi (A Clockwork Orange reference for those who didn't know) faithful 3 subscribers (1 of which is my alter ego) today, Febuary... February?  However that month is spelled the 21, 2012, I have starting reading the classic The Divine Comedy by Dante.  For some reason modern culture as twisted the name into Dante's Infrno, but if I'm not mistaken' that is a video game.  I'm talking about the book.  From what I hear, it is a hard read but I think not that I shall encounter a problem.  It was written originally in Latin around the 1300's by none other than Dante.  He did not choose the title though.  You see, back then titles weren't all that important and it went without name for hundreds of years until a publisher in the 1500's gave it the name "Divina Commedia" which was its latin translation to what we now recognize it as.
     From my understanding, it is poem about Dante going to hell (literally) and then coming into paradise.  I don't know.  It's not like I look up the plot before I read a book.  These are just inferences I make from here say, and from the title (I rarely read a blurb).  Now do not be fooled by the word "Comedy" in the name.  Back then comedy simply meant a type of writing that had a happy ending, so I will assume it has a happy ending.  And if I'm correct, then the author is a character in the book, therefore he most likely would want a happy ending for himself.  Divine simply means holy or spiritual and because Date literally goes to hell (I think) then that is how that word made it into the title.
     Enough of my ramblings.  I leave you to do whatever you will.  If you wish, do discuss what you think will happen if you haven't read the book, or tell us what questions or remarks you have before reading the book.  If you have already read it, feel free to post what you thought was going to happen or how you thought you would like the book.  Just don't reveal any spoilers.  If you do, I may not delete your post, but society will have a general disliking for you, which isn't fun.  : )

     -Jake E. Stief

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