Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Starting Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Well faithful 0 subscribers.  I am starting to read the science fiction Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.  It was a recommendation by a teacher from the school I go to.  According to the description it sounds like a Robert A. Heinlein novel.  We shall see.  It is 324 pages and is about the people of Earth planning to fend off an alien attack which they predict will happen any time soon.  The soldiers apperently train in some sort of arena in space.  I'll tell you more about it once I read it though.  I have never read Orson Scott Card before so it should be interesting to see what his style of writing is like.  If you want to read along and discuss the book when I'm done, feel free.  I plan to be done by February 17th or 18th.  I'm excited to read this book (I love sci-fi), though I wish I would have read it earlier.  The one whom recommended it to me is moving to california shotly and I wish I couldh ave more time to discuss the book with her.  Oh well.

Jake E. Stief

(Catcher in the Rye, Clockwork Orange, Gloden Ration, On Man in the Universe and Count of Monte Cristo review coming soon!)

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