Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Recognizing First Edition of Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King

In this video I will teach you how to determain or recognize a first edition first printing on Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King.

      The dust jacket should be gray in color, darker around the edges than in the center. On the front of the jacket Stephen King's name should be written in red and the title of the book, Full Dark, No Stars should be written in silver. There should be a photo of a guy holding his head stretching out his arm on the front. On the spine of the jacket there should be written, Stephen King, the publishers logo, Full Dark No Stars, and Scribner. On the back should be a monotone photograph of Stephen King. In the bottom right hand side will be the bar code with an ISBN of 978-1-4391-9256-6. There should be a cover price of 27.99 U.S dollars and 32 Canadian dollars on the back. the jacket code should be 1110. On the inside flap of the jacket should be a blurb about the four stories contained in the book and the price should be listed again on the top of the page. On the back flap should be some info on the author, a publisher ad, and copyright info for the dust jacket. The copy right infpo should read as follows, "JACKET DESIGN BY REX BONOMELLI JACKET PHOTOGRAPH BY JEFF BARK, REPRESENTED BY RAY BROWN AUTHOR PHOTOGRAPH BY DICK DICKINSON" Then it should say that it was printed in the U.S (c) 2010 by Simon & Schuster.
     The boards should be a light gray, light blue color and quarter bound in a black cloth. There are no inscriptions on the front or back. On the spine written in red is Stephen King, Full Dark No Stars, and the publishers logo as well as Scribner. It should be bound with a solid red thread. Paste downs and front and rear pages are white. Here is the important things you should see on the copyright page, "A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020", "Copyright (C) 2010 by Stephen King", "1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020", "First Scribner hardcover edition November 2010", "DESIGNED BY ERICH HOBBING", "Manufactured in the United states of America", "1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 2" (If you do not see a complete number line but every thing still matches the terms I listed above then it is probably a first edition, but not a first printing. Because this book was recently published, print generally won't matter among people (unless collectors) and your book will probably have the same value. Over time though I am certain this will change. Within ten years you first edition first print could be worth $1 while the first edition first print is still worth $15) and finally "ISBN 978-1-4391-9256-6"
The dimensions of the book should be roughly 6.4 X 9.5 X 1.4 in or 16 X 24.1 X 3.1 cm. If it smaller than this it is probally a book club edition.

Thanks for watching,
Jake E. Stief

If you have any question about determaining a first edition or want to be sure i read your comment then E-Mail me at crazyjake451@yahoo.com

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